Amazon EC2 vs Google Compute Engine - Which Cloud Computing Platform is better for your needs?

January 30, 2022

Amazon EC2 vs Google Compute Engine - Which Cloud Computing Platform is better for your needs?

It’s no secret that moving data storage from physical data centres to the cloud is the way of the future. Well, the future is now, and two major platforms have emerged as giants in the industry, namely Amazon EC2 and Google Compute Engine. Both provide users with reliable, fast and scalable cloud hosting, but the question is which one suits our needs better?

Let’s jump right in and compare the two titans side by side.

Compute Engine vs Amazon EC2: Price

Everyone wants to get good value for their money, and the cost of cloud computing is no exception. Amazon EC2 has more pricing options and a more extensive selection of instances than Google Compute Engine, which makes it the obvious choice when it comes to price.

Here's a direct comparison:

Provider Price Per Month (Approx.) *
EC2 (t2.micro) $9.50/month
Compute Engine (n1-standard-1) $24.53/month

*Prices shown are as at the time of writing and are subject to change

When taking into account the pricing details above, Amazon EC2 seems to be the clear winner in terms of affordability.

Performance and Speed

When it comes to cloud computing, performance and speed are essential factors to consider. In a recent benchmark test, Google Compute Engine beat Amazon EC2 in terms of CPU performance. But Amazon's Network I/O score is much higher and may be a more important factor in some applications. Both providers have their high-performance computing instances available.

Here's a summary of the test:

Provider Score *
EC2 479
Compute Engine 678

*Scores shown are as at the time of writing and is subject to change

Based on this particular test, Google Compute Engine outperformed Amazon EC2, but keep in mind that different applications and use cases may result in varying performance results.


Scalability is another critical factor to consider when choosing a cloud computing platform. Both Amazon EC2 and Google Compute Engine provide auto-scaling features that enable users to have the right resources according to their needs.


As you can see, both Amazon EC2 and Google Compute Engine are efficient platforms for cloud computing, best suitable for businesses, start-ups and individuals alike. The choice between the two boils down to you and your business's specific requirements.

Amazon EC2 VS Google Compute Engine - Conclusion

In conclusion, here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing between the two platforms:

  • Amazon EC2 is more affordable and has a wider selection of instances.
  • Google Compute Engine is faster in terms of CPU performance.
  • Both platforms are scalable and have auto-scaling features.

We hope this discussion has helped you to decide which cloud computing platform to choose from for your business, start-up or individual needs.


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